Life on the X-Bar Ranch...

I am an ordinary woman, with an amazing family, serving an awesome God.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Dangerous Substance

 There is a very common substance that you probably have ingested at some point, however, you may not realize some of its many and horrible uses. Can you believe that we ingest this stuff? Just look at the list of things it is used for!!
How can something like this be good for our bodies? We need to be aware of the things we are consuming.
I am dedicated to bringing awareness to this important issue.

First, let's look at what it is used for:

It is used to clean engines. 

It is used for cutting rocks.

It is used as a fire suppressant.
It is used to grow marijuana.

It can actually be fatal if consumed in large amounts.

It is used as a coolant in electric power plants.

It is used in the chemical processes of oil refineries.

It is used as a solvent in manufacturing plants.

It can actually be fatal if consumed in large amounts.
It is prized for it's ability to clean manure out of livestock trailers.

It has been used for centuries as a means of torture and murder.

When broken down, part of it is used in the production of fossil fuels, ammonia, chlorine, and bombs!
...this potentially deadly substance is Water!

Note: I am obviously writing this tongue-in-cheek.  But it is all true. And if I hear that 'coke cleans engines' as a reason not to drink it one more time -- well, just be glad it isn't used to clean cattle trailers! Cause seriously- have you seen the inside of those things?! :) 

Now go drink a big glass of fire suppressant! :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I write a lot about cowboys.

But today I want to write about the great ladies who work alongside the men - doing much of the same work, and they look better doing it! :) (you guys know this is true.) 
Some women are able to work with their men all day every day, some only part time, and some like me, are primarily stay-at-home moms, but who love to ride and work with our men when given the chance. (in other words: when we can find a babysitter!)

Here are some of the cowgirls who were at the Stevenson branding this week.
First up; Katie Rogers. Her husband used to work with Cliff at the X-Bar in the Big Laramie Valley. She was in vet school at the time, so I don't know her very well.

Next on the list is my good friend Karmen Stevenson.
She has a toddler and a baby, yet hasn't forgotten how to rope.

 When I grow up I want to be just like her. :)

Then comes... oops! I forget her name. I do know she is pretty and is getting married this month. Yeah. Sometimes I'm not that good with names.
 And lastly, Kaleah. (Forgive me if I am spelling your name wrong, Kaleah!)  I love her bright red shirt! She just happens to be Karmen's sis-in-law. And she can make a mean mocha cheesecake! She made the desserts for the branding lunch (after riding and roping all morning) and she did it all with jingling spurs, a knife strapped to her belt and a gun stuck in her waistband.
( I bet no rattler lives long around her!)
Maybe when you hear the word 'cowgirl', you think of turquoise and bling. Perhaps you think of barrel-racing and pink hats. But let me tell you - these are the true 'cowgirls'. These girls can cook a meal for several dozen people, ride, rope, brand and give shots. They can skin a deer and shoot a coyote. They can help a calving heifer and train a young horse. They can build fence and sort cattle.
And they can do it all with pink nail polish and beautiful long braids.
Because God made women tough.
Cowgirl Tough.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Stevenson Branding

June 9, 2013

Our good friends had a branding yesterday. They head and heel their calves, so of course it was a lot of fun! And they have two stinkin' cute  lil boys, so double the fun for me! :)

 Bringing in the herd.
Handful of rope...

Taking him to the fire while My Cowboy gets a heel shot.

 Got him!

Setting ropes.
 Waiting in line for their turn at roping.
 My friend Karmen! She's quite a handy lady. She has a toddler and a baby. She made lunch for about 20 people,(with some help from her sister-in-law)  and she was riding and roping with the crew.

 The Stevensons. Husband/wife team.
 A reata.
 Grandpa taking care of the baby.
Hot irons.

Friday, June 7, 2013

First Schrock Branding

My Cowboy and I made Schrock History last month.
We had a Schrock branding - of our very own calves.
True - it was a tiny branding, as brandings go, but hey - it was ours.
Kinda fun! :)
Cliff's brother came to try his hand at roping...
Didn't do too bad, considering he is a carpenter and all.
Oh wait - My Cowboy was a carpenter too, before he learned this whole ranch thing. Who cares? Anyone with some 'try' is bound to become handy. We aren't pedigree snobs around here!

 Our brand - designed and registered by My Cowboy. It's a take on a tool he uses a lot in his leathershop; the round knife. A friend who owns a welding business made the iron for us.
My Cowboy's mother also made the trip out from MO to help, since some of the pairs are actually hers. First ever branding for her.
Josh holding a steer.

                                                       First Round-Knife brand!
My Cowboy enjoys buckaroo tradition, and head/heel brandings. Of course all our brandings will be headin' and heelin'!!! :)

                               Head/heel brandin's make for prettier photos, I think.


                                                       Fun times!


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Angry Birds Cake

Happy Birthday to my son, Franklin!!

What a blessing God gave us with him.
He was born on a warm summer day in June...the bees were buzzing around my snowball bush, and  I lay looking out at the pretty summer flowers, and feeling the refreshing breeze blowing softly through the open window.
I remember holding him on that beautiful day in Missouri - basking in the wonderful after-glow of childbirth. You know, after the labor is done, your midwife has left, you're done with the phone calls, (before texting days!) and it's just you and your sweet, new baby!

10 years,, 6 houses, and two states we are!
Franklin Joseph was named after his paternal grandfather - who went to be with Jesus less than a year before Frankin was born. I often wish he could hang out with his grandpa Joe Schrock. What a great guy, who loved to fish, hunt, camp and was looking forward to the day he could have a grandson to do those things with!

Franklin loves Legos, dinosaurs, and anything with wheels. Engines, machines, gadgets. What a kid!
He is getting handy on  a horse, and helps his dad out with riding and chores. But his first love is engines.

Jenni and I tried making him a 3D Angry Birds Cake today...not professional by any means, but quite cute, nonetheless!

Happy Birthday, Son!

Here's some cool Angry Birds' items for your next party!